We have a great selection of the best Japanese used cars and trucks, as well as heavy equipment, auto parts, and construction machinery parts.
We can export all kinds of cars and trucks from Japan to almost any country.
We pride ourselves on our commitment to provide our clients and business partners with the best quality cars and trucks, at the best prices.
Please check around our large inventory at Kanetagroup.jp, receive an estimate sheet, and purchase exactly the vehicle you are looking for.
Thank you for visiting our website.
Auto and Truck Scrap Parts by the Container
We have thousands of vehicle and truck parts available for purchase.
If you wish to purchase a large quantity of parts, for example, by the container, then please send your order list by fax or e-mail.
We will confirm the availability of your order, and will then contact you with an up-to-date inventory list and unit prices.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us.
Our contact details are below.
Kaneta Group
Address : 1-6-1-8 Suehiro Higashi, Asahikawa
Hokkaido 071-8121, Japan
T E L : +81-166-51-9922
F A X : +81-166-76-9934
E-mail : info-export@kanetagroup.jp
Sales Director :Hiroaki Shoji